Return Policy

How do I cancel the order placed?
We are sorry, Order once placed can’t be cancelled.

How do we get refund?
If order placed can’t be processed due to any reason from our end, we will ask for your account details and fund transfer will be arranged to your account. As said above, order can’t be cancelled once placed.

How can I return the products?
You will not be able to return the products, once supplied.

Can I get replacement for the products?
Since, we don’t take back the products, we can’t replace it either.

Since, we don’t take back the products, we can’t replace it either.
We ensure there are no manufacturing defects. We are not responsible for damages during transit. So, there is no return, refund or replacement.

What if the coconut oil is not meeting our expectations?
What if the coconut oil is not meeting our expectations?

How to avail Cash On Delivery (COD) option?
We process pre-paid orders only. There is no Cash on Delivery (COD) option.