If a 250-page book has to be written exclusively on one product, without much repetition, making full sense with understandable logic, by a veteran nutritionist, then this should suggest how miraculous the product (Coconut Oil) should be. Now, why isn’t there a similar book that talks about the so-called healthy and widely used oils like Sunflower Oil, Soyabean Oil or Hydrogenated Oils (Vanaspati)?
Book is smartly organised because the author understands that readers have been misinformed so far. In the first chapter he works on dispelling the deeply held myths. In the next he builds the foundation by discussing about the basic of fats and human body. In each of the subsequent chapters he discusses each one of those benefits giving scientific reasons and examples. To conclude he guides the reader on how one can buy and use coconut oil.
Summary of the book
The truth about the miraculous benefits of coconut oil has been hidden by Western companies to protect their business interests. Tropical oils like Coconut Oil and Palm Kernel oils used to be popular in America and were a threat to their domestic soyabean oil industry. In order to popularise their products, they had to prove that tropical oils were bad. So, they funded research to say that coconut oil contains saturated fats, which are the cause of heart-related diseases. They proved this by testing using hydrogenated fat on rats. Later, they went on a massive campaign against tropical oils and promoting their oils. The domestic edible oil companies made their money, but with it went the health of the average American. He has acquired obesity, heart disease and many others.
Saturated fats are highly stable as all the carbon atoms have formed bonds with hydrogen atoms and carbon atoms bond with each other through stable single bonds. Unsaturated fats have a few double bonds between carbon atoms and they are free to break down into toxic free radicals and oxidation causing rancidity. Oxidation and free radical formation are accelerated when heat, light and pressure is applied. That is why Coconut oil can be stored conveniently for 2 years while other oils hardly last 6 months.
Fatty acids have chains of varying lengths of carbon atoms; ones with less than 12 carbon atoms are medium chains, and those with more than 12 atoms are long chains. The shorter the length, the easier it is to digest. Fatty acids found in coconut oil are medium chain, and they are quickly digested by a lever to get energy while other fats are stored. That is why replacing other oils with coconut oil can promote weight loss. Also, coconut oil is used by athletes who need a quick burst of energy.
Coconut Oil has excellent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties with no side effects. That is why it is among the ultimate natural medicine. If people learn of this, pharmaceutical companies will lose business in the long run. Coconut oil is used in most Ayurvedic therapies, and ancient Indians were aware of its benefits. AIDS has no cure, and AIDS patients are advised to consume coconut oil as it gives them immunity that they severely lack.
Coconut Oil is a great anti-oxidant, removes dead cells and gives complexion to skin and hair. It is very good at preventing premature aging of skin.
Coconut Oil can be Virgin or refined(RBD – Refined, Bleached & Deodorized). Virgin is one which is extracted by least amount of processing, it has the natural coconut smell and taste. In Refined version it is subjected to about 200 degree heat and chemicals, it is bland and will not overpower the taste of food on which it is used. Author recommends the Virgin Coconut Oil.
This is just a summary, and the book contains a lot more interesting facts and analyses to make it a fascinating reading experience. I am both delighted and angered by reading the book. I am delighted because I have grown up (and still continue) consuming coconut oil for all purposes (edible and cosmetic). Never knew such wonderful properties of coconut oil. Angered because American companies and doctors have maligned people from consuming coconut oil into unhealthy, refined and hydrogenated oils. The author and I don’t suggest that Coconut Oil is the only healthy oil. Other healthy fats are Butter/Ghee, Olive Oil, Til Oil and Palm Kernel Oil in raw form. But Virgin Coconut Oil is the healthiest of all.
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Coconut oil | Branding | Employees | Greenery | Management | Marketing | Packing | Pricing | Restaurant | Sales | Taxation
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- 5 Common Myths about Roasted Coconut Oil
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- Restaurant location and start date
- Our view of Wood Pressed Oil – High price for an inferior product
- Announcing our intention to start a restaurant
- Salary payment to permanent employees on 1st of every month
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- How employees of earlier generation worked
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- How do we set MRP?
- Saurav Ganguly, heart attack, endorsement of a cooking oil product
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- Water conservation measures taken at Cocoguru
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- Adulteration in Coconut Oil
- 80:20 Principle and its application
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- Trip to Mullaiyanagiri
- How much I love Coconut Oil
- Effects of Price Increase on Coconut Oil Trade
- A tribute to our best vendor
- New Website for Cocoguru
- What is the Salary?
- Difference between Roasted and Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
- Letter for Revision of VAT Rates
- Beware of Vanaspati, Margarine, Partially Hydrogenated Oils and Trans fats
- Dimensions of the most economical Carton Box
- Cocoguru Coconut Industries Private Limited – Incorporated
- Unique challenge with marketing pure edible coconut oil in small packets
- How is Cocoguru Coconut Oil different from Parachute?
- Snapshots of Packing section